Friday, February 13, 2009

meeting 6:20

(btw, I don't think anyone's Twittering, just me blogging - I thought the blog would be easier to read in chunks, especially after the fact)

MLIS student:
a lot of people don't even realize that you need a master's degree to be a librarian
term library is valuable
concerned about the timing: difficult time for libraries, trying to change 1/3 mill law
name change now will send the wrong message
communication problems in discussing this issue - we weren't given time to prepare
very concerned about what kind of message it sends to the broader community


  1. I agree with the student's concern. When someone asks a Rutgers grad where did they go to school- library won't even be in the name. The towns who fund libraries might wonder why you need librarians at all.

  2. Pat -- I agree completely & just blogged that exact same thought at Pop Goes the Library.
